Image courtesy blog.ctnews.com/realestatewithjudy
Alright I know it’s a sellers market and offers are skyrocketing off the charts, but here are some home staging numbers worth looking at. The recent 2015 Profile of Home Staging survey from National Association of Realtors showed:
81% of buyers agents say that staged homes make it easier for buyers to visualize a property as their future home.
46% of buyers agents state staging makes their buyers more willing to tour properties they have viewed online.

Image courtesy mrisblog.com
45% claim that buyers have a positive perception of the value of the home when decorated to their tastes.
32% of buyer agents surveyed say staged homes increase the dollar value from 1 to 5 percent.
28% attest that buyers overlook negative attributes of a home if it is staged.
16% of buyer agents claim that offers can increase from 6 to 10 percent wow, I like those numbers.
Now here is the number that just baffles me, 44% of sellers agents only suggest that sellers declutter and fix property faults and don’t recommend professionally staging a home, go figure. Disappointing for the seller and all agents in the transaction that would benefit from an increased sales price, just saying.

Image courtesy lizhss.com
There hasn’t been any home in any price range, that I’ve gone into that hasn’t benefited from a bit of home staging tweaking. Most homes are a sellers largest investment and sometimes it’s hard to see the forest through the trees. Homes are adorned, colored, decorated to appeal the the dwellers within. Homeowners fill with their homes with collectibles, memories and design them for personal comfort.
When home staging a home for sale, we take the personal out of the equation and prepare the home as a product for sale. Stagers dress a bed to entice and conjure thoughts of rest and romance. Kitchens are prepared to paint a picture of family, food and friends. Bathrooms are made to feel like spas where one can enjoy a few moments of solitude.
C’mon seller agents, let’s be of better service and help our home sellers make more money. Let’s help home sellers prepare their homes as if being window dressed like a store front and merchandise to potential buyers to entice and motivate positive responses and more