“Sold” to the first homebuyer that toured the property after home staging, music to my ears!
I’m getting ready to head over to the house that sold in Westminster, it’s ready for pickup. Artwork, greenery, lighting, accessories, bedding, towels and furniture will all be packed up to be returned to the warehouse.
It looks like magic and ever so delicious when done but there is a bit of behind the scenes most folks aren’t aware of. Budget and sales price discussed, vacant property toured, rooms measured and floor plans drawn up.
A trip to the warehouse to scour for appropriate furniture to fit budget, floor plan and target market. Every item is hand picked from the book that goes onto the bookshelf, to the decor placed on tables and counters.
Imagine hand selecting, draping fluffing, placing and hanging each item needed to make a house look like a home and hot as hell in marketing photos.
Home stagers have have a vision to present a home in it’s best light, be able to work within a homesellers budget, make selections that will target homebuyers, unpacking, positioning and re-packing everything that went into the staged property.

The amazing Mario one of the men behind the scenes
Just in case you are not famailiar with home staging – we stagers prepare homes to sell faster and for more money (yep that is the truth). Marketing and merchindizing, just like when you go the mall, and see store front windows designed to tickle your fancy and entice you. Just like in print and magazines products are photographed to appeal to buyers. That’s what we home stagers do!
Our job is to present the home so that when it comes time for the marketing photos to be shot and the home to go onto the web to be viewed, it look fabulous!
High ho, high ho Home Staging Denver Back to the Warehouse it all goes!