Image courtesty of the gardenglove.com
Fall has just arrived! The fall season is a favorite time of year for me. Brightly colored trees, crisp night air to enjoy a restful night sleep. Ahhhhh!
For me the mowing is just about over and here in Colorado the first snow fall hasn’t hit (but it could) and it’s time to start thinking of fall planting for spring color.
If you are anything like me, spectacular color at my curb and patio come first signs of spring is bombdiggity.
Planting tulips, daffodils and other bulbs in the fall will allow roots to develop before the ground freezes.
It’s exciting when the bright colors of crocus, daffodils, hycinth and tulips peek through the last bits of winter snow.
Here are some tips, when fall planting for spring color:

Image courtesy of thegardenhelper.com
- Select a sunny, well drained spot to plant bulbs to showcase your spring curb appeal.
- Select bulbs that mix well together and go with other spring blooming perennials and trees.
- Grouping bulbs in pockets of seven or more bulbs for greater color impact.
- Daffodils and crocus are early bloomers and tulip can have 3 different bloom times depending on variety.
As with most plants, the most important step is to give them a good start and then let Mother Nature take over.
• Plant bulbs as soon as possible after you buy them.
• A rule of thumb is to plant a bulb 3 times deeper than its height
• Plant with the pointed end of the bulb up.
• Take care not to compact the soil underneath the bulb so that the roots can spread out easily.
• Use a high phospherous fertilizer
• Where glove when planting hyacinth to avoid rash.
• Include edibles among your mix of bulbs. Garlic and saffron crocus can both be planted in the fall.
After planting, spread an even layer of shredded mulch over the top. Don’t forget to plant them in empty flower pots for the porch too!