Image Courtesty proflowers.com
All right folks, Halloween and voting done, there are 22 days until Thanksgiving and 49 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes and some odd seconds until Christmas. Whoopy :-). Check out the following Fall Holiday Home Staging Tips to merchandise your home for sale with some holiday spirit.
So what do I tell home sellers to do when the grass has gone dormant and brown, trees have shed their leaves and many of the flowers that bloomed so brightly are slumbering for their long winters nap? I tell them to add some colorful curb appeal for fall. Planters with late blooming flowers add marketing pizzaz to make your home sales photos pop.
If planters aren’t up your alley, I suggest taking a cue from the fall seasons bounty to add interest to your curb appeal by using gourds, colorful mums and perhaps a wreath of brightly colored leaves hanging on the door to welcome home buyers (no blocking windows, please).
Weather can change on a moments notice from rain to snow, add a new seasonal fall welcome mat for guests to wipe their feet will protect your interior floors will elevate marketing appeal plus welcome guests to your front porch.

Image Courtesty lushomes.com
Gourds, pumpkins and squash oh my! From large to small, coming in a variety of shapes and varying colors, nothing says fall bounty like the gourd family. Grouped near the front door, on the steps or walkway and leading up to the front porch, adds a much needed burst of color to marketing photos. Group in uneven numbers, propping small against large, for a homey, rustic feel.

Image Courtesty Lushomes.com
This time of year is perfect for adding a wreath of colorful fall leaves, indian corn, cornhusks to the mailbox with branches, berries or rose hips. The theme can be carried indoors, placed on an entry table and used as a centerpiece in your dining room.
Remember to keep visual distractions to a minimum in the marketing photos. Too much decor will add an element of confustion and take away from the achitectural details that home buyers are looking for in a home.
Done minimally, it will raise your homes marketing appeal and fill the buyers minds with images of thankfulness and enteraining family and friends in their new home. Really!