Are you getting ready for a kitchen renovation because you are selling your home, or its time for a face lift. One of the first things to do is organize your kitchen in advance (edit, pack and/or pitch some of your kitchen items).
Renovations are never easy, add into the mix a lengthy 8 week to 6 month timeline (on average when renovating), no appliances, no cabinets or counters, walking on a subfloor, no water in the kitchen (using the bathroom and/or utility sink), clutter, chaos and holy smokes the stress level mounts just a wee bit.
First things first, figure out where the appliances will temporarily be placed (my new refrigerator was stored in the garage, dishwasher and range stored in the dining room). Take into account for a temporary pantry (mine was in a spare bedroom), where you can prep food (I used the top of the range), how and where you’ll do the dishes (I used paper plates, plasticware, the dog got to lick the spoon so to speak and I used the bathroom sink washing dishes). The most priceless and affordable item during my renovation was the microwave, however a crockpot, grill or portable induction cooktop would help get you by as well.
How Did I Cook?
I had to maximize the limited space and deliver the smallest amount of washable dishes. My epiphany was learning to eat prepared foods from the grocery or Costco. If prepping veggies ahead of time, store them in baggies in the fridge and scoop when needed. Bagged salads, nuts and cheese make for a healty meal. A charcuterie board of sliced sausages, cheese, nuts and dried fruits, was scrumptious, easy and eaten more than once. I thought about what I foods I might take camping and that made things easier in planning meals. The microwave was priceless for quick cooking and easy clean up.
What Did I Make This Thanksgiving?

It’s been 8 long weeks without a decent sink, dishwasher, range, or a conveniently located refrigerator. Gratefully, with a bit of wit and wisdom is how we cooked and shared, believe it or not a less stressful, more relaxing and delicious Thanksgiving with some of the family this year.

Thanksgiving dinner took all of 30+ minutes and we all had a super good time.