Images Courtesty Coolmomtech.com Hubbell Wiring USB Charger tamper resistant decorator duplex receptacle in white color features two 2.0 USB ports capable of charging two devices simultaneously.
Are you still using extension cords and electrical adapters on a two-socket outlet? Fortunately, I found an easy 10 minute home improvement that replaces a traditional outlet for an amazing outlet that includes USB ports.
My bedroom has one duplex receptacle on the wall within reach of the bed that only allows room for the flanking bedside lamps or an ugly extension cord. The work area in my kitchen where I use both my CuisineArt, KitchenAid and Ipad for recipes only has one convenient outlet in which to work from.

Hubbell Wiring USB Charger
I find myself having to unplug one of the lamps in the bedroom to allow me to charge my Iphone to use the alarm AND in the kitchen walking additional steps to read my recipe on my Ipad or unplugging one of my appliances (no fun if your hands are covered in sticky dough).
At the recent Home Improvement Design Expo, November 8th at the Minneapolis Conventions Center and Consumer Reports reporting that digital updates like the wall plug with built in USBs is on the rise to cleverly conceal charging stations.
Within minutes you can install outlets that include USB ports that will add modern convenience (which by the way home buyers seek, should you be selling your house) to make a change for the better with a new, improved update. The best of both worlds: two traditional electrical receptacles plus two USB ports.
Its almost a basic necessity with the use of smart phones, tablets and the latest technology growing with consumer demand.

Hubbell Wiring USB Charger tamper resistant decorator duplex receptacle in white color features two 2.0 USB ports capable of charging two devices simultaneously.
You don’t have to be an expert, I’ve clearly and simply explained in step-by-step directions how within minutes you can add a super home improvement designed for today’s technology.
Let’s get started:
1. Shut off power from the circuit breaker to outlet.
2. Unscrew and remove the faceplate with a flat-head screwdriver.
3. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the receptacle from the electrical box.
4. Using screwdriver detach the wires from the old receptacle. Strip about ½” of sheathing from wires and attach them to the new receptacle.
5. Using needle-nose pliers make a hook at end of wire, loop hooked wire to corresponding colored screws on receptacle and tighten the screw. (Black/hot wires always attach to gold or black screws. White/ neutral wires always attach to silver or white screws. Green or unsheathed wires (ground wires) always attach to green screws).
6. Screw the new receptacle into the box.
7. Turn breaker on, check receptacal for power and install the faceplate.
I’m thinking stocking stuffer for sure!