My Dad, Step mom and sister Kris, drove 20 hours for a visit from Michigan all the way to good ole Colorado. They came to surprise my son who fought MMA last Friday evening. A good time was had by all!

Kris, Linda, Christopher, Nicholas and me!

My Son Nicholas After the Win
I don’t get to see my family often, when I do I count it as a blessing.
They arrived in the afternoon Thursday and we kept it on the down low, so Nicholas wouldn’t know. We picked up VIP seating for the Friday night fight for the lot of us. Nick was announced and Kris and I armed with camera and video were ready to rumble. That’s kinda like announcer fight talk.
Boy oh boy was he surprised to see his peeps from the Great Lake state, when he came out. Being the focused purple belt that he is, he quickly regained composure to go in the ring. After three rounds of me and Kris’s screaming, hollering, cheering on and hearts beating so fast we thought they would burst, HE WON!
What a super, exhilarating time. Kris lost her voice from all the yelling. All my kids (Chris, Nick and Chloe) were able to spend a good amount of time with us. I took Kris on a drive peak to peak in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, stopped in black hawk (didn’t win) and came home to spend more time chitty chatting.

Christopher at the Award Ceremony
Just when you think it can’t get any better than that, my eldest son Christopher who with cerebral palsy was honored as a hero from the good folks at DDRC (Develpmental Disabilities Resource Center). Chris’ outlook on life and positive attitude earned him the award. He is the only person who when life gives you lemons has the ability to turn them into lemonade.
What a wonderful week, and that my dear friends is why I’m counting my blessings.