Just in case you are wondering why start a blog, I have added some points to ponder. I like the feel of a blog over a website. Websites are static, feels formal, VERY professional is one-sided and talks at you. Clients have to call or sign up from the website to interact with you.
My blog is an extension of me and allows me to build relationship and regularly post information that I am passionate about that is helpful in the areas that I serve. I have the flexibility to update and provide info of an educational nature through posts in a relaxed manner that allows for two sided communication.
I have the ability to add, media, sign up forms for newsletters, video, links, pdf’s, a store front, you name it the sky is the limit. Through free or purchased plugins you can create, change and update as your specific needs require. Below is a snap shot of this post on the backend (behind the scene).

Blogs also have the ability to share across Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram and LinkedIn. Should you choose, you can make money from google adsense, affiliate links and build pages to promote your own services and products. You can do this all by yourself without having to hire a programmer.
You get the best of both worlds with a blog – both static pages (pages) plus blog pages (posts). Each post has it’s own URL which become searchable on the internet, making it easier to be found. You can tweak and adjust to your hearts content to improve your rankings, my blog from has a free SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plugin.
I use WordPress, it’s easy and free, looks like a website through the static pages and a blog that I post updates to regularly. It’s all in one space, with one tool. If you read my page How to Start A Blog, I discuss Bluehost that hosts my blog.
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